Guest Post: The Village - Wellness for Women in Academia

As a long-time resident of Champaign-Urbana, I have a stock answer to offer when asked where I live. “I am about two hours south of Chicago, and the University of Illinois is located here.” The University of Illinois is arguably the center of our community, and it impacts the lives of everyone here in one way or another. In fact, it is one of the reasons that CU is a great place to raise a family. 

The University of Illinois brings ethnic and cultural diversity, offers educational opportunities at all levels, employs much of the community, and provides entertainment in many forms. All of these gifts are recognized by The Village staff, which is why it was important to us to offer support to the most important element of the University - its people. Specifically, the parents who have made CU their home while advancing their education or their careers.

Much like raising a family, the field of academia is full of unique challenges. It often involves stressful deadlines, long hours, and travel.  Having a career in academia requires a willingness to relocate. This means that many of the educators at the University are raising their children a great distance away from their families of origin and close friends. The practical and emotional support needed while growing a family is often out of reach. 

How could we help this population of our community here at the Village where supporting parents is our mission? We wanted to offer a space where mothers who are also educators, administrators, and students could connect. In September of 2022 we launched our first support group for mothers in academia. We have since held these groups virtually and biweekly on a semester basis to accommodate the hectic lives of academic professionals. In this space, mothers develop a community of fellow parents who can identify with the challenges and beauty of academic life. They teach each other about the community resources that exist here and share in each other’s challenges and successes as parents and professionals. 

As a facilitator of this group, I have seen the relief that comes to our participants as they realize they are not alone in what they face. They learn from each other and benefit from the confidence that comes from helping those in a similar position. Most importantly, they create lasting connections with fellow academics which provide them the social support that is so necessary when raising a family. 

Our current Spring 2024 group meets virtually on Thursdays biweekly at 12pm. Moms in Academia groups and other group offerings are scheduled in the Fall and Spring aligning with the academic semesters. New semester groups are announced on our website and social media. 


Ann Ambrose, MSW LSW

The Village: Mental Health Support for Parents

